For a few weeks now, the Official Ubuntu Book has been released, and the reaction has been incredibly positive. The book is available in print as well as under a free license. Some chapters of the book are even included in Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, click System→Help→Ubuntu Book Except).
One of the most valuable chapters in the book, and one that many reviewers found compelling, was the chapter filled with recipes to solve common problems. Eager-eyed readers of The Fridge will know that there was a call for recipes some months back to fill the book with your experience.
As we now edge towards edgy (no pun intended), we are looking for some more recipes for cool things in edgy. So, now we need your help again. We are looking for some more recipes, and like the previous call for recipes, we are looking for interesting solutions to problems, clever tips and tricks, and other fun and useful tweaks. There will not be a print edition for Edgy, but the recipes will be used in the free online documentation.
The deadline for this is pretty short and is 22:00 UTC on Monday 18th September. Send all your submissions to the awesome Corey Burger at corey.burger AT gmail DOT com.
Don’t forget: you must sign the agreement, attached to this article, before we can use your recipe. Don’t worry, you’re not signing your life away 🙂