Monthly Archives: February 2010

Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #180

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. This is Issue #180 for the week February 7th – February 13th, 2010 and is available here. In this issue we cover: * Ubuntu Opportunistic Developer Week: Call For Participation! * Interview With Jono by Joe Barker * Interview with Dustin Kirkland, Ubuntu Core Developer about encryption in Ubuntu […]

Ubuntu Global Jam – 26 March – 28 March 2010

Hopefully by now you have heard of the Ubuntu Global Jam coming up in March. The dates for the Global Jam this cycle are the 26th through the 28th of March 2010. We are hoping to make this Global Jam extremely successful, and we need your help in doing it. We are wanting to have […]

An Interview With Jono

I’m about 100% sure that the next person to be interviewed needs no introduction – everybody will have heard of Jono at some point, whether it be from his role within the community, his activity on & twitter, or maybe even from Lernid…Either way, I hope you enjoy this as much as I have! […]

Ubuntu Opportunistic Developer Week: Call For Participation!

In the continued interests of helping to make Ubuntu rock as a platform for scratching itches and making awesome apps, I am putting together a new online learning event: Ubuntu Opportunistic Developer Week, happening online between 1st – 6th March 2010. The week will be just like our previous online learning events such as Ubuntu […]

Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #179

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. This is Issue #179 for the week January 31st – February 6th, 2010 and is available here. In this issue we cover: * Open source industry veteran Matt Asay joins Canonical as COO * Lucid Translations now open * Ubuntu Developer Week Re-Cap * Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS Maintenance release […]